Monday, April 28, 2008

Great finds

Sorry for the lack of posts this past week but One Man on an Island was actually on an island. Now that i am back I wanted to drop a couple of video recommendations out to all. The first one is a website called Hulu has a number of current Fox and NBC shows that are posted on here weekly as well as a number of classic shows (Hill Street Blues (greatest theme ever), Miami Vice, In Living Color, Fantasy Island, etc) as well as current shows such as my current favorites, Hell's Kitchen and Family Guy. These can be viewed in clips as well as entire episodes with truly minimal commercials. While on this site I was looking for my all time favorite made for TV movie that unfortunately has never made it to DVD, The Jericho Mile. It was Michael Mann's first directorial effort. If you have ever seen it (perhaps on the old Providence Dialing for Dollars afternoon movie or on Channel 38's Dana Hersey's "The Movie Loft") you must agree that it is the greatest TV movie of all time as well as a top 5 guilty pleasure film. The cast includes Peter Strauss, Brian Dennehy, Roger Mosley (TC from Magnum PI), and Richard Moll (Bull from Night Court). Sadly it was not on the site. I did however find the final scene on youtube today (I have been looking for it for years). If you have seen the movie feel free to enjoy.

While on the subject of great underrated closing scenes, I also offer for your consideration the closing scene from "The Contender". This is a great political film that may have been a few years before it's time. Considering our current political climate as well as the media driven world we live in I think another look at this film today would be worth everyones while. I find the speech in the closing scene especially relevant today. Jeff Bridges is unquestionably the best president on film to date. I would vote for Jackson Evans today if he existed and sure as hell would have voted for him in 2000 when the film came out. Come to think of it, we would have been better off if we voted for Jeff Bridges in 2000. This film receives personal nominations for "Best President in a Film as well as "Best Closing Scene". It also receives a nomination for "Best Dedication" as the film was dedicated to "Our Daughters" which is mildly gay but considering the subject matter and the fact that I have 2 daughters seemed to resonate with me.

Feel free to reply with any "non-obvious" best closing scene suggestions or underrated great films.


Anonymous said...

One of the best closing scenes of all time is in the original Tobe Hooper version of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" when Leatherface is going house, under the oanage hue of a rising sun.

This version features Husker Du's "New Day Rising", a brilliant song in itself, over the scene, making it even more manic. Obviously not the original score, but fun to view.

Anonymous said...

"It's political, man."

"The Punisher"

Anonymous said...

"Feel free to reply with any "non-obvious" best closing scene suggestions or underrated great films"

I love the closing scenein "Eight Men Out". It's years after the Black Sox scandal and Shoeless Joe is playing a sandlot game in NJ while former teammate Buck Weaver looks on. After Weaver tells a suspecting fan the "those guys are all gone." Shoeless Joe rips a triple and tips his cap in slow motion to the cheering crowd.

One of the best non-fiction baseball movies ever made with a great ending.

Your thoughts Island Man?

"The Punisher"