Saturday, April 5, 2008

Housekeeping updates...What defines a kick and follow up to the last post

There has been continuous controversy at my gym for the past 6 weeks around what constitutes a "kicked" ball during our basketball games. I was asked to address this in a blog post and after researching the NCAA 2007 rule book here (Rule 4 section 43)

A kick is defined as "Kicking" the ball is striking it intentionally with any part of the leg or foot. Accidentally striking the ball with the foot or leg shall not be a violation. The National Federation of State and High School Associations shares the same definition. Interestingly enough, if a player is squeezing the ball between his legs during a scrum in an effort to keep an opponent from getting the ball this is deemed a kick as he is trying to gain an advantage by using his legs.

The second bit of housekeeping pertains to my last post about the capabilities of a child. A journalist from the NY Sun gave her 9 year old $20 and a subway map and told him to get home from midtown Manhattan and wrote about it. The premise is similar to the one I floated in my post.

Here is the article she wrote.
Here is an article about the response she received after writing the piece.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In an effort to continue to interpret the rule to my advantage, I will deny any knowledge of this and continue to cite various 'experts' in support of my argument. I will work to discredit you, and hack blogspot to have this post removed.

Frankly, your efforts to destroy a longstanding Saturday morning traditon disgust me.